Beauty & Style

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Getting Rid Of A Sun Tan?


I walk to school everyday and its really hot and sunny

so i get tanned alot.i easily get tanned.

I used have really pretty light brownish skin when it was winter but now

i'm getting darker and darker everyday.

i cant stay out of the sun beacuse i have to walk to school and i cant take a bus or anything because my parents say we can save money if we walk to work and school instead of using the bus.

i love getting tans but not when it gets too dark and yeah

what do i do?!?

I wish I could get tan as easily as you. But I'm not sure if you're male or female. If you're female, try shaving your legs as often as possible if your legs are tanned. Also exfoliate as often as possible. You can use a loofah or washcloth with any kind of body wash. Some body washes come with little beads in them to help. Exfoliating takes the dead skin off and your tan skin is the top layer. If you're male, I have no idea what to tell you! Sorry!

use sun tan lotion.

First of all, you should try not to worry so much about your tan. A sun tan is a very natural occurrence if you have spent a lot of time in the sun, and it is also very natural for it to take a long time to go away. It is certainly not something to be scared of or ashamed of. As long as you did not get sun burnt, you are perfectly fine, and there is no need to worry or take any extreme measures to get rid of your tan.

In any case, there isn really anything that you can do to get rid of a sun tan. As time goes by, the tan will gradually fade and your skin will return to its normal color. Three months may seem like a long time, but it is not enough for a tan to go away completely. Unless you have continued to regularly expose your skin to the sun, it is quite certain that the tan has already faded considerably. However, it will take at least another three months for your skin to return to its natural color. You have not mentioned how you got your tan ?one common reason is a day or two spent at the beach. Whatever the case, if you want to get rid of your tan quickly, the best thing for you to do is to avoid going out into the sun, and when you do go out, cover yourself up. It is of course a good idea to use a sun screen lotion with a high SPF value whenever you are out in the sun, but a more effective way to protect your skin is to actually cover it ?wear a cap or a hat to shade your face, and wear clothes with long sleeves to cover as much of your arms as possible.

There are some home remedies that are supposed to help lighten the skin, but these are not particularly reliable. Still, if you want to try them, you can use a paste of sandalwood powder, turmeric powder and milk, which you should apply to the tanned areas. Leave the paste on your skin for fifteen minutes, and then wash it off with plain water. You can also apply lemon juice to your skin, but if you do so, be sure not to go out into the sun for at least the next hour, our you will get still more tanned.

1 comment:

  1. my name is krista im 14 years old i ride horses everyday i had a dark dark tan on my arms that i can get rid of. && im ashamed to go swimming with my friends so i have to say no im busy. my real color is a light golden brown but my arms are so dark now that i cant seem to make the tan go away what can i do please im beging for ur help my boyfriends birthday in a month and its a swimming party. i really wanna go swimming pleaze help me what can i do. you can really see where the tan is and everyyone is like omg thats really bad]= please help me


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